So you take a look around and observe your surroudnings. But now how to you get out? And who put you here?
11 votes
Crack open the door and LEAP OUT A WINDOW!! Oh crap we're 50 stories high!
Wait until the person that catured you shows their face. Their bound to eventually.
You observe your surroudnings finding nothing useful. The room is black, there is no windows, the only light you see is coming from the cracks from the door.
You found a penny! Must be your luck day! Or not.
Keep looking for something... anything you could use as a weapon.
I still miss my cookies :cries:
I want my mommy!! :cries:
Use my super powers to blast the door down and then fly away... oh wait I don't have any super powers... damn!
Hide in the corner.
I still don't understand what's going on. O.O

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